About us
We Are Your Partner for Fair Labour Practices and Growth.
As a non-profitable organisation, HASEA is recognised as an Employers’ Organisation duly registered in terms of Section 96 of the Labour Relations Act, Act 66 of 1995. An Employers’ Organisation that is registered is afforded additional benefits in terms of legal process, for example representation at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) and Bargaining Councils, as well as collective bargaining with registered Trade Unions (for example wage negotiations), benefits which non-registered Employers’ Organisations do not enjoy.
HASEA functions on a National basis and has professional and highly experienced Organizers, intent on performing their roles in accordance with the spirit of the Labour Relations Act and to ensure that, where possible, the needs of our members are addressed, thereby promoting sound labour relations in the workplace.
You may ask: “Anything unique about HASEA?”
In a nutshell, the focus of HASEA’s organisers is not in the number of members they recruit, but rather the effective service they render to their members.
Why Us
HASEA is a Unique Organization for the following reasons:
- We do not tell you what to do, we do it for you.
- Members do not come to HASEA, we come to you! Services are rendered at the workplace.
- HASEA does not operate in a Pool system – every Member gets specialized attention from the Organizer appointed to render a service to them.
- HASEA is listed as one of the top Employers’ Organisations. Structured in similarity to the model of American organisations: Non – profitable, providing entrepreneurship within a support basis. That is in effect why it works.
- The Organisation has a high success rate with litigation of disputes.
The follow-up system is expedient. Members have direct cellphone communication with Organisers. - Large financial savings can be realized in different ways::
– Unnecessary Arbitration Awards.
– Management of Union involvement.
– Correct retrenchment procedures.
– Effective Strike – handling
– Prevention of theft &Fraud in the workplace.
– Compiling of Conditions of Employment & Procedures in accordance with legislation.
– Chairing of all your disciplinarians to ensure procedural & substantive compliance. - Our Executive Committee is appointed in accordance with our Constitution.
Personalized Support
Specialized attention for each member.
Direct Communication
Members contact Organizers via cellphone.
Cost Savings
Financial benefits through streamlined processes.